guess what.... today after playing ping pong.... i was walking towards the car park.... and i paid RM10 for a RM2 parking ticket cause i gave Teck Wei my change....
best part was.... i took all.... and started counting the coins in my hand....
1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10...
then i paused.... looked at my hand with more coins that i haven't counted yet.... and wondered.... WTF how come the machine give me back more than RM10 when i paid RM10 for RM2 ticket? then i walk back to the machine to see if something was wrong.... yet there was nothing wrong....
then to confirm my surprise.... i counted the coins again.... and went...
1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 16!
OMG 16!? then it struck my mind.... WTF I'm counting 50 cent coins! LOL WTF i laughed at myself for quite some time before i came back to my senses.... thankfully i didn't laugh till i was rolling on the floor LOL....
by the way.... been playing ping pong recently....
been havin lots of fun =D
and guess what.... let me ask you something....
whats Brandon doing to his food these days.... he's avoiding them.... trying his best to distract himself with something else to prevent himself from eating.... see.... all those laughters we had on you had positive effects after all =P
guess what Brandon did to the his fork recently....
and another.... few weeks ago.... when i was parking my car in Monash Car park.... i saw a few students laughing away beside a car.... i was amazed by their random-ness for laughing without a reason until i saw this
i had a shock of my life and immediately after finding a parking for my car.... i ran like an idiot to the OMG car.... and found this on the car....
yes la people these days.... =D
(omg i love blogging ^^)(miss it soooo much)