okay firstly.... I feel really glad that i managed to stay out of trouble the past 3 days.... seems the effort of not letting my thoughts overwhelm my studies indeed paid off.... but it did take its toll.... avoidance at maximum costs were carried out and if i did instill any sort of discomfort I am at full apologies.... I just needed to focus on my studies the past 3 days.... just could not afford to loose myself if I were to think about regaining the friendship again.... focus focus focus.... oh well.... sorry sorry.... again i wanna mention i am at FULL apologies....
okay now.... guess what.... during the weekends.... a whole family of cats raided my back neighbours house.... well he didn't close his back door.... so the cat family took advantage of it.... too bad it is a bit far.... but i did manage to capture some of the kittens.... =D
guess what.... the family of 4 kittens and 1 mother went into the house and started grabbing food from chicken to whatever.... and oh gawd.... they were so damn cute >.<.... shit.... what is with me....
okaaaaayyyy....lets see.... yesterday.... my cousin and I went for a movie called "you don't mess with the Zohan" it started at 9.30pm.... and i had like so many things to do.... chem proposal.... chem sasta.... Lan.... but who cares.... i went there anyway.... well you see.... i got this premium ticket from my cousin.... so actually this movie is supposed to be released in Malaysia on the 21st August.... anyway.... just before the movie.... there was this trailer of a movie.... and HELL.... IT FREAKED MY COUSIN OUT.... thank god i looked away.... the movie is about a group of researchers going into some kinda subway or some sort.... and the group of creepy monsters appear and start devouring them.... and they had a footage on it.... i looked away.... but hell the sounds.... the screams the screeches.... omg death-defying.... btw for those horror movie lovers.... (i admit.... i am NOT one) the name of the movie is Quarantine.... from the trailer.... the movie seems to be a good movie.... so when it is out.... those horror fans go check it out man.... i don't think you'll regret.... i actually thought of posting the pictures or trailer of the movie here.... but erm.... erm.... erm.... erm.... ERM!!!!.... if you're interested go check the movie out.... i already gave you the name of the horror movie.... oh yes.... regarding the actual movie.... it is hilarious and gets a thumbs up from me =D.... go watch it.... but a lil bit erm.... ya know with the Zohan being the center of attention and all the girls around him that kinda stuff =.=.... (don't wanna spoil more here.... as you guys probably would wanna watch)
now now.... few days back.... Vincent was wearing this shirt.... and look at how he posed for the camera O-o....
well well well.... seems recently the guards started checking everyone who wanted to enter Taylor's student ID.... and VINCENT.... got caught up today.... unable to enter because he forgot his ID.... oh such a hassle it was.... well we can kinda say.... "Ken to the rescue?"
oh yesh.... today Ms Christine gave us the forms for the prom night.... and it seems that I will be joining ya guys for the prom! =D.... honestly gonna be my first.... but still i don't know how are things gonna go yet.... as erm.... you know it IS kinda sad.... but hey.... hope to join ya guys too.... oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let the past haunt us.... let us group of friends.... just get together and have fun aight?.... aight?
talking about prom.... Vincent spilled some info regarding some past prom i'm assuming.... and gawd.... its the first time i see someone blushing blood red in such a short time.... O_O!?.... okkaaaayyyyyyy....
anyway.... getting kinda hooked up on the Olympic games lately.... since there are too many to talk about i'll focus on one part.... allow me to touch on the badminton part of it.... Lee Chong Wei has entered the final 8!.... WOOHOO.... though kinda sad for Wong Choong Hann.... he beat the previous champion at the 2nd round (Taufik Hidayat) and lost to some guy named Hsieh i think.... =/.... on the doubles.... Lee/Choong pair lost to Korean pair Lee Jae Jin/Hyung Ji Man.... whereas Koo Kean Keat and partner (sorry!!!! i forgot the name) moves on to the next round again!.... COOL!? YESH!
well well.... now.... I've been watching some rubbish youtube videos when i was browsing through the internet the past few days.... and guess what i came across?.... 2 AWESOME (okay sarcasm intended) auditions.... but hell.... they ARE hilarious.... Paul was petrified.... while i liked the other guys comment on both videos.... well.... ENJOY!
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