Thursday, August 28, 2008


before i touch on it.... I'd like to explain a little on the happenings....

firstly.... thanks everyone for the present.... this event really caught me off guard.... and was like OMG?.... so yeah thanks =D

okay, the midnight of the day before my birthday (early in the morning of my birthday).... a group of my dear friends gave me a message.... I've already explained that in the earlier post but I came to know that they who sleeps early stood up.... till pass 12.... just to send this message.... and I hereby wish to express my utmost gratitude and sorry for the inconvenience.... but i truly appreciate it =D....

yesterday was my birthday.... yet it was my physics presentation day.... so was Ernest's.... during the break.... both of us didn't know where to go.... since we only had 1 hour break compared to the rest who had 2.... so after discussing amongst the 5 of us.... and since we didn't know where to go.... we decided to rehearse a little on our presentation.... so Ken went to the library while Ernest and I went to the web.... and oh well.... that was that =/....

that night.... my family brought me out to Summit Hotel to have their buffet dinner.... gosh the varieties were awesome.... and the food were amazing.... and hey it isn't expensive either.... for such a luxuries buffet.... it was only 39++ per person leading up to Rm44 each person.... actually it is 78++ but with the Citibank card you'll get 50% discount O_o.... later when we got back.... I was so tired i couldn't help but fall flat on my uncomfortable bed and fall into a deep slumber....

the next morning.... we woke up early in the morning.... this time.... this time.... damn it.... this time.... it was to send my lovely sister back to the States.... it was all well.... until the point of separation.... somehow emotions were mixed and uncontrolled.... expressions tried to pour out but were withheld.... and gosh.... my lovely sister broke into tears.... oh god damn it.... it was just.... indescribable.... today.... my poor mum had quite a period of sadness.... as well as tears which fell out uncontrollably.... she had dinner in tears today.... and oh god damn it.... it was.... BAH.... this shouldn't be the way....

Sis, I bid you farewell for the coming months and look forward to your return again.... know this.... that your company for the past 3 months were more than awesome.... and also know that though ups and downs.... you are and will always be the best.... god.... why am i crying now.... have fun over study hard and so will i.... best wishes.... and hope all goes well for you k?.... please be happy k?.... remember this.... as long as you are happy.... so will we.... take care.... *sorry i emo a bit.... please sis don't cry when you read this.... you should be happy there aight?*

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